Matt Neary

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The End of Learning

Learning is the fundamental process of life. For example, a dog learns to sit when trained. At the same time, a man learns how to train dogs. Dogs learn to be good pets over the course of a lifetime, but that’s on the tail end of a much longer process by which species of dogs learned the traits that would make them more fit for domestication.

Neoteny is the trait whereby some animals, like beavers, are born very immature. The evolutionary advantage that comes with this is newborn animals are given the opportunity to be taught by their mothers. This is essential for beavers, since they’re nature’s craftsmen. For mankind, our neoteny in a sense lasts our whole lives. Because our way of life is so well insulated from primitive nature, we’re able to keep learning from each other all our lives.

Humans and animals learn over the course of their lives, but before that, they learned to learn...

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The Death of the Author

As everybody knows, Nietzsche announced long ago that “God is dead.” Or more accurately, he wrote the parable of the madman, who was the first to realize that God was dead. As Nietzsche’s madman tried to spread his message, he was thrown out of countless churches and each time he responded stubbornly, “What are these churches now if they are not the tombs and sepulchres of God?”

Nearly a century later, Roland Barthes declared the death of the author. The connection to Nietzsche was clear implicitly, but it was also made explicit when Barthes spoke of the Author-God: the intelligent designer of the text who imbues it with order and meaning, and to whom all criticism and interpretation must ultimately be addressed. The Author-God is dead, and he’s been replaced:

We know now that a text is not a line of words releasing a single ‘theological’ meaning (the ‘message’ of the Author-God) but a...

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Worse Is Better

One of the coolest aspects of software development is the way it makes really big theoretical questions around system design totally accessible. Every teenager building a web app is deploying an ad hoc bureaucracy of computer processes. As you get more experience, you start to think critically about how it all fits together.

I remember reading “The Rise of Worse is Better” a decade ago. The first time I read it, it felt like a call to action. It’s the story of how less elegant designs have come to dominate the world of computing, outcompeting and rendering irrelevant so many other, more brilliant systems. I felt compelled to investigate these alternate threads of history. I wondered what the world would look like if The Right Thing had won at each step along the way to our modern tech landscape.

Toward the end of high school I started taking math at The Ohio State University. This...

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Here’s to the crazy ones

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Apple’s most iconic ad featured a cast of famous misfits, rebels, and dreamers. I think Michel Foucault would’ve been a worthy addition. The campaign linked the company to a certain philosophy of the world—and this worldview, with its particular understanding of social change, has a lot in common with the work of Michel Foucault and the other founders of critical theory. A later interview with Steve Jobs, in which Steve says the following, makes the connection clear:

When you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can...

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Warhol said, “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” He was onto something. The nature of fame has changed a lot since then, because the nature of the media has changed. Warhol was working in an age of mass media—as is so well captured in his art. We now live in the age of democratized media and democratized media have democratized fame. The users of these democratized media, like Instagram, live partly in a virtual copy of the world. As in the work of Warhol, fame generates icons, and these icons take on a life of their own. In Dead Celebrities, Living Icons, cultural critic John David Ebert suggests that this is the very transformation Warhol anticipated:

Indeed, looking back over the various biographies of the celebrities we have covered in this book, it becomes clear that they represent the pioneers, as it were, of the current mass exodus into hyperreality...

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Why Race into Space?


In the twentieth century space exploration reached its zenith during the Cold War. At this point, space exploration was revealed to be about two things above all. First, space was made the arena for a new sort of competition between nations. While America and Soviet Russia were engaged in a cold war, space exploration became the scale by which to measure the effectiveness of the two countries and, in fact, by which to measure the effectiveness of their respective paradigms of governance. America set out to prove that a free society will ultimately outperform a centrally-planned communist regime. This was not obvious.

Additionally, space was rightly perceived as a realm with great power for war and peace. The conquest of space as satellites were pushed into orbit around the planet was the source of great anxiety. Those countries that could do this first would gain the higher ground...

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Idea Filters

Nowadays everything seems replaceable. Discussion of the successors to credit cards and gas-powered cars is common in a way that discussion of those to paper currency and oil lamps never was. The status quo is so quickly shifting that any everyday annoyance is seen as a gap to be quickly filled, an opportunity waiting for any company that will seize it.

Of course, however, not everyone who notices such an annoyance will jump to form a company around it. Most people never really pursue these ideas; they acknowledge them and patiently await their solution by someone else. Those who do attempt a solution will only do so up to a certain cost. It’s human nature to be at least somewhat risk averse. Your valuation of cost, however, is not strictly a function of missed opportunities or necessary resources; this blow can often be softened when a project is compatible with your identity and...

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