The Right Stuff
When AI can do white collar work, you start to wonder where you fit in. Technical expertise—e.g., understanding distributed systems, mastering convex optimization, building a financial model—used to pay a premium. That edge is evaporating as AI ramps up.
You can no longer afford to be a tool. If you’re merely an input-output machine turning coffee into code, you’re already automated. Maybe it’s mechanized functionaries all the way up, but I don’t think so. New opportunities emerge when people’s needs evolve and solutions gain power when they resonate with these needs. What this means is that the logically necessary next step for society is always a social fact, deriving from real human desires, and so by definition it will be recognized by humans first, not AI. Get yourself closer to the wellspring of new realities.
When you think about what you can do for the world, start with what...